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Prevent Text Neck from Taking Over

Dr. Andre adjusting patient. Woman stretching and Dixie Dundas logo saying Remember to Look Up

  1. Change how you hold your phone Bring the screen to eye level so your head is not slouched forward or too high. Instead, keep a neutral spine so your ear is in line with your shoulders. This will keep you from holding a forward-head posture for a prolonged period.

  2. Take phone breaks. Frequent breaks from the screen can help, even if it’s just two to three minutes every hour. Getting rid of the habit of looking down is the first suggestion to preventing and alleviating tech neck, but that’s highly unlikely for most people. So instead try to consciously take breaks from the phone.

  3. Try the Text Neck app There’s a Text Neck app for Android that offers “immediate real-time feedback” about your posture (indicated by a green or red light). There’s also an optional vibration or beep reminder to tell you when you’ve lapsed back into bad habits.

  4. If you experience prolonged pain, see a pro If you experience prolonged pain, I recommend getting adjusted, which helps relieve pain and address the structural issues that text neck creates over time. A 2007 review Trusted Source pointed to chiropractic care as one of the major nonpharmacological therapies considered effective for acute and chronic neck and back pain.

  5. Do 10 minutes of yoga The best way to treat and prevent neck and back pain is yoga, because it helps improve movement patterns, increases body awareness, and incorporates breathwork. Neck pain is caused by a muscular imbalance, such as tight rhomboids, but daily yoga sessions can help correct those differences.

There’s no single method guaranteed to alleviate your tech-induced pains. But, at the end of the day, it doesn’t hurt to stretch and exercise to keep your muscles active and flexible.

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